Chapter 2 - The Epilogue
Jumping to the year 2000, Mike & Susie decided to go back and re-visit their beloved village San José Villanueva in El Salvador to see how things were going during a Peace Corps reunion trip. While there, they also renewed their wedding vows and rekindled friendships with the villagers. It was a momentous reunion.
Mike & Susie, now with two grown children, Jennifer and Michael, and nearing retirement, wondered about the possibilities going forward. Mike was serving as Executive Director of New Hampshire’s Governor’s Commission on Disability. Susie was coordinating adult tutorial programs and classes for foreign visitors, refugees, and immigrants in a “English as a Second Language” program. Both of their career paths had found ways to empower others to become more self-reliant through education and community advocacy.
Their retirement decision became an easy one. They would finish out their careers and move back to San José Villanueva, finding ways to help their neighbors help themselves.
The Jenkins shared this news with their longtime Peace Corps co-worker and friend, Denny Williams, who had already founded a non-profit organization (NGO) based in Michigan called ‘Epilogos Charities’ helping the people of Guatemala and other charities. Denny asked if Epilogos could also help Mike & Susie in their work in El Salvador too, and soon a new working partnership was formed when Mike & Susie returned to again live and work in San José Villanueva in 2002.
Denny Williams had created the name Epilogos… meaning an epilogue to a Peace Corp volunteer’s career, or the next chapter after retirement. The El Salvador need grew year after year, and in 2007, the Epilogos domicile was moved to Mike & Susie’s home state, New Hampshire, and the group was reorganized as a new NGO entity called “Epilogos Charities Inc.”
Today the mission of Epilogos Charities Inc. is to improve the lives of the impoverished people in the town of San José Villanueva by engaging in community development. This means improving the quality of life in many areas, including health, education, housing, employment, water issues, energy, and public sanitation.
Susie passed away in November of 2024 and Mike passed away in January of 2025. The Epilogos staff and Board of Directors are honored to carry their legacy forward, working WITH the people of San José Villanueva.